Week 3 update

It’s done!! I’m all registered for the show, not gunna lie I’m bricking it already. I’ve never been a very outgoing person so for me this is a major deal.
My knee should be ready for squatting in about 2 weeks time so I’m confident I can get my legs back to size in time! And I’ve completely overhauled my diet based on the ultimate performance bulking diet ebook, how to cast a bigger shadow. The next couple of months are gunna involve me eating red meat, spinach and nuts most mornings for breakfast. Also I’m going to changes mass gainer shakes to whey protein and add vitargo. This should hopefully improve my recovery and also cut out a lot of useless crap that you find in mass gainers.
Training has been hard these last few weeks, I’ve been working long days and also worked all weekend, so I’ve been exhausted! I haven’t made much progress on my compound movements, which I think may be down to being shattered all the time and doing a lot of heavy manual work. I think it’s time to mix up my plan a little bit so I don’t plateau. The most important thing I am concentrated on at the moment is tempo. I find a lot of gym users throw the weight up and down as quickly as possible so they can go heavy, okay weight is important , but ask anyone with a good understanding of the anatomy and they will say the negative phase is vital for building strength and muscle. Hence, most trainers will get you to follow a 3010 or 4010 tempo. 3/4 seconds lowering the weight to 1 second up. Just add this 1 little tip into your workouts and you’ll be amazed! Time under tension is crucial for muscular development so why do so many people neglect it?

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